Keratron Scout Support

FAQ - Keratron Scout Software Program


Scout Program Setup on Networked Computers

If the computer that the Scout Topographer is connected to is on a networked system, other computers on the networked system can have the Scout software installed and have the ability to access the patient database on the host computer ( or Server ) and work with patient files, design lenses and do all operations as if working at the host computer ( or Server ) except for image acquisition.


The Keratron Scout program must be installed on the host computer ( or Server ) on the C drive. This will create a folder named Keratron.


Make sure the host computer’s ( or Server’s ) C:\keratron\database folder is shared, (Consult your network manager for this function.)


NOTE: To create and order Wave lenses from the Client computers, you must also install the Wave and     OnWaveII programs.


To access the database located on the Scout host computer (or Server) complete the following steps.


1. Open the Scout software on the client computer

2. Click “File” then “Open Database”

3. In the “Browse for Folder” dialog box scroll down, find and click the plus sign for “Network Neighborhood”. Click name of the host (Scout) computer. (You may need the assistance of your network manager or computer professional to do this step.)

4. Open the hard drive then open the Keratron folder and then open the  “database” folder (you will see no files listed just the open folder) then click “OK”

5. The database explorer section of the Scout program is now pointed to the host computer ( or Server ). Going forward any patient files created on the Client computers will be stored on the host computer ( or Server ). The client computer’s Scout software will remember the location of the database and access it each time the program is started in future



How do you extrapolate a map after you use the erase function?

1.  Reprocess the map


2.  Erase the areas that you want to erase.

     At this point, the [Extrapolate] button is disabled, and you cannot extrapolate.


3.  Close the process editing window. At this point the software asks if you want to save the "changed" data, and you say YES.


4.  After saving the processed, erased data, you open the map in process editing mode for a second time.


 After re-opening, the [Extrapolate] button is enabled once again, and you can now extrapolate.


Suggestions on Backing Up Your Keratron Data

1. Locate your Keratron Database files and back it up daily, weekly or times of your choosing: when you installed the Keratron Scout software it created a folder on the C drive named Keratron. The default name of database file is Database. If you have created other database files you will need to back those up as well. You will need to make sure that you are backing up the correct location.


2. Record onto portable, reusable media. Burning a CD or DVD is the quickest way to back up files. CDs hold 700 megabytes, and dual-layer DVDs usually hold 8.5 gigabytes (1 GB is equal to 1,000 MB). USB thumb drives -- aka flash drives -- are keychain-sized devices that will hold an average of 1, 2 or 4 GB.  You may need a larger flash drive depending on the size of your database.


3. Double up, if necessary. Get a second hard drive if you're using too much space on your main one. You may want to consider an external hard drive.


4. Consider a virtual hard drive. Online backup is a good option because it is automated, and data is stored on servers in a remote location. Look for a service with at least two geographically separated, secure backup centers. Data should be encrypted, and there should be a help line staffed 24/7.


5. Take a snapshot of all programs and data. Disk imaging software, such as Norton Ghost by Symantec and True Image by Acronis, creates a replica of your entire hard drive, so if you crash, you're not rebuilding from scratch.


NOTE: These are suggestions on where you can start thinking on how to back up your Keratron Scout databases. If you have a large Network of computers and you centrally store the Keratron Scout Database on a server you may need to get an IT person involved in the backup process.



Import Scout Tests From one Computer to another Computer with Scout Software Installed

Note: A direct or network connection is necessary to perform this operation. You may also have a computer professional temporarily install the old hard drive in the new computer and import from it.

Note that for large databases it may take a very long time to complete the process.  Plan time accordingly and do not interrupt the process.


1. Start the Scout Software on the computer that tests are to be imported to.


2. Click “File” then click ‘Import Tests….”.


3. In the “Browse for Folder” window locate the hard drive on the computer the tests are to be imported from. On that hard drive find and open the “Keratron” folder and then find and click the “database” folder so that the yellow folder looks open. (You will not see a list of files yet.)


4. In the “Browse for Folder” window click “OK”.


5. A list will be constructed of the tests from the other computer’s “database folder”. They will all be highlighted. (If the database is too big to list you will be given a choice to list or just start import.)


6. If you wish to import all tests, click the drive icon in the upper left corner of the list window.


7. If you wish to import only selected tests, highlight the first test you wish to import and then, while continuously holding the “Ctrl” key down, click on the each of the rest of the tests that you wish to import.


8. When finished selecting tests release the “Ctrl” key and click the drive icon in the upper left corner of the list window.


The system will import and index the tests.


Maps have been saved under the wrong patient in the data base. Is there anyway to correct this?

You have two options to correct this error.



1. Change the first name by appending a digit.


2. Export the map to a known location on the hard drive.


3. In the scout database, change the name back to the way it was.


4. Import the maps you just exported, and it will show up as a separate



5. Change the name of the imported file to the one you wanted.


6. Go back the file that was originally incorrectly saved and delete it.



1. Export only the record with the map.


2. Next create a new database and import the record into it.


3. Change the patient name to the proper name. Make sure it is exactly as

the correct patient name.


4. Export the corrected record.


5. Change back to the original database and import the corrected map.


6. Delete the incorrect map record.


Exporting Keratron map files / Wave designs and attach to email

There are times when you will need to move the Keratron map files from your database to another location whether exporting / importing to a different database or wanting to export the file and email to someone.


The Keratron Scout program has a process in place to do this. You will need to select the map database filebox, highlight, right click, and select Export Test.


Click HERE for a short video on how the Export, email process would work.